Friday, March 28, 2008

New Week of Tracking, Day 1 (H: 86.4)

Ok, I'm on track, and that means this week is all about tracking. Hope this doesn't get too boring, especially as I'm going to write on this public blog what I eat. Hope it keeps me a bit accountable!!

Before that though, yesterday was fun. Finally I got some uni work done - I went in to uni and spent the day with a good friend M, which also involved eating lollies (2 killer pythons and some crazy peach lollies he brought back from Canada), and lots of facebooking. So not quite as much study as we'd planned, but it was a good dent and we're planning on doing it next week again :D Maybe with a swim thrown in!

After studying, at 6, we went to the Christian Public Meeting at our uni, which was really good - heaps more relaxed vibe going to a night one, and then out to dinner with friends, at the local pub. Yikes - pub food! But I had a diet coke and a vegie pizza - which is a pita bread pizza with some tomato sauce, stacks of fresh vegies, but then *duh dum, duh dum, jaws music* oodles of cheese! So next time - same order minus the cheese. It was yum though!

Earlier in the day was the WW WI, ouch... Put on 1.5kg, so, that's my kick up the bum to be on track this week. I just have to do it, no excuses. I'm quite excited actually - I'm looking forward to a loss next week (I hope I hope I hope!!) So please feel free to keep me accountable!! I will eat no more than my 21 points per day!

On that note...


Breakfast (7.45am)
Small bowl of nutrigrain (only cereal in the house!) = 1.5 points
Cup of skim milk (measured) = 1.5 points
Cup of tea (no extra milk - used left over from my cup) = 0 points
Total for breakfast = 3.0 points
Total for today = 3.0 points

Snack (9.40am)
Tub of Ski D'lite yoghurt = 1.5 points
Water = 0 points
Total for snack = 1.5 points
Total for today = 4.5 points

Lunch (12.00pm)
Roast lamb and salad sandwich = 4.5 points
Banana = 1.5 points
Water = 0 points
Total for lunch = 6 points
Total for today = 10.5 points

Snack (3.15pm)
Apple = 1 point

Total for snack = 1 point
Total for today = 11.5 points

Snack (5.15pm)
2 corn thins with vegimite = 0.5 points

Total for snack = 0.5 points
Total for today = 12.0 points

Snack (6.00pm)
2 corn thins, plain = 0.5 points

Total for snack = 0.5 points
Total for today = 13.0 points

Dinner (7.30pm)
Handful of Red Rock Deli chips = 4 points
Water = 0 points
Cup of coke = 2 points
Spaghetti = 1.5 points
with Bolognaise (made of mince, canned beans, lots of vegies, tomato) = 1.5 points
More Water = 0 points
Total for dinner = 9 points
Total for today = 21.0 points

Dessert (9.00pm)
Strawberries with cream = 16.5 points
(made with fresh strawberries soaked in contreau, then use the sauce to mix with cream and some strawberry puree, sprinkle chocolate on top - our lovely guests brought these in individual bowls, and so although I'd planned to stop at those 21 points, this sort of blew that out of the water... then when I used the recipie builder to estimate the damage...ouch!)
Total for dessert = 16.5 points
Total for today = 37.5 points

My Thoughts on the Day:
ouch that was a lot of points in one dessert! And hard to say no too. We had 2 good friends over for dinner, and they brought the chips, coke, and dessert. I'm not sure how to avoid this sort of situation where I feel like a) it's polite and b) it's part of being in the group to have a bit of what they bring (especially the desserts, which had clearly taken lots of time) - but with the dessert I had no control over serving sizes. Maybe I have to just say no, or not eat it all, and I should have just avoided the coke and chips, but one good thing is that I tracked them all - and now I know just how much I should get up and go do some exercise!! Yikes!


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