Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Confession: I Weigh Almost 200 Pounds

This is the second post I've written today. But seriously, this is my 7th day in a row stuck at home (except for Saturday, I did get out then).

I'm watching Oprah, and a family just weighed in, in pounds. Lots of pounds. It's a show on decluttering a house and the connection with losing weight. Something I should do - declutter. I do tend to eat better and move more when I have a 'happy environment'. I'm very easily overwhelmed when our little unit is a junkfest, and get the guilts about leaving it in a poor state to go outdoors. Of course, that doesn't go so far as to motivate me to keep it tidy all the time, I just feel bad, curl up in the arm chair and sometimes eat icecream.

Anyway, to move towards my point, I went and checked out how much I weigh in pounds. Oh my goodness. 193.6 pounds.


Now, I know there are people who are summing up their weightloss journeys at just under 200 pounds, and people have lost half their weight to get to the sort of weight I am. But that's not me. This is not a weight I've come down to, it's a weight I've gone up to. And it looks a lot scarier in triple-digits. Like a dark scary evil character from a hideous movie. Ugh.

And I'm not going down a path of self-hate, I'm just waking up - but it's like I'm not waking up from a nightmare, I'm waking into a nightmare.

And I want it reversed. I've been thinking most of the day that I want it reversed.

So why did I eat icecream for lunch? Seriously - this is what I've eated today.

Breakfast: a mandarin, a banana, a small tub of yoghurt. Over about 90 minutes.

Lunch: 4 spoons of icecream eaten out of a rice bowl, with lots of choc-mint ice magic on top.

Mmm.. gotta love that unbalanced calorie-fest.

No kidding. No wonder I'm overweight. I'm still just eating because I'm so bored and sick of being at home and deprived of human company. The lowest part of being sick - seriously, yesterday I was waking as D left, and saw him for about 25 minutes yesterday before falling asleep again. Today will probably be the same. So what do I do while I'm awake? Eat! Auugghhh.


I don't like being sick right now, I don't like having two chins, I don't like running out of breath, I don't like not wanting to shop for clothes, I don't like stressing about going out socially with people, I don't like my flappy pudding arms, I don't like my resolutions to start tomorrow start tomorrow start tomorrow, I don't like that even my eyelids are fat.

I feel more than double the weight I want to be, but if I lose half my weight I'll be 44kg, and that's ridiculous. Sometimes I feel like the very obese people whose blogs I read, who have that much weight to lose, have it easier - they can get results easiler, and they can make great claims like losing half their weight. Now I know that it's never that easy to lose weight - but seriously, the start of the journey seems to be easier, because once you're that overweight, cutting portion sizes and half hour walks will make a big difference. And it gets hard as you go on, but I feeling like I want to whine. And I want to lose half my weight. I'll never be able to make that claim, and I feel like I'll never lose enough for it to be significant.

I am a wallower.

And I think I should give away our TV. Too much of anything is not good for the soul.



Elisha said...

Hey gorgeous - LOVE the photos, you look so happy on your honeymoon!! Keep posting pics, i love them xxxx... I wish i lived closer to you, i would drag you out of that place for a day -

you weigh under 200 pounds, im still over 200 pounds, i would give anything to be in the 80's... I dont think anyone is ever completely happy with their weight, i was 130kg once, and even if i get to my goal of 75 i still wouldnt have lost half my body weight.. LOL - unreal, got me thinking lots - BUT i want you to know you need to be proud of who you are and what your doing, the scales will move, if you stay on track and focused, i promise they will , no one said it was gonna be easy but if you really want it, then take it, cause its yours!!! I am aware that it gets harder or is harder the smaller you are - but its possible, and worth the hard work - I personally think your beautiful - inside and out, anything else you do is just a bonus!

Im keen to try week 2 of the c25k, and would love you to do it with me, so tell me the day and im all over it baby! Lots of lovies, and let me know how you go with the mystery pain. xxxxxxxxx

Elisha said...

Hey double comment - I just noticed your stats down the side, thats new yeah? If it isnt im ashamed to admit i never noticed it!!

Your tall!!!

and so young!!!

Im so short!!! LOL LOL... !!!!

Elisha said...

Hey - Your not selfish, dont think that - Its your thoughts and thats what blogging is all about!! I completely understand what you meant! Now - as for tomorrow, your on girlie! Its a date - Im going to warm up and watch House now - relax and get ready for my week 2 run with you!! YAY.. lets do it.

P.S email me if you like, anytime.

actually do email me, or email me your address - some things cant be shared publicly. lol.

Sarah Markley said...

Hi KL - thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comment. Weight loss - no fun - did you read my weight loss journey in my sidebar?

Good luck! I know you can do it.