Thursday, March 27, 2008

WI Day Today!! (H: 86.7) (WI: 86.7)

Weigh in today!! I've decided it means today is a new start - a chance to go, be weighed, recommit and as part of that, have a week of points tracking. Core is great - I really like it, but I went off track in 2 ways.
1. I started being very lose with my definition of "core food" - somehow hot cross buns became just like wholegrain bread, diet icecream became the same as skim milk, and...
2. ...little things like chocolates, jaffas, cake slices, biscuits just "snuck in" - as a "healthy balance". Aiiiiiieee.

It's so easy when I'm out of my normal comfort zone and with other people eating a certain way, to just keep eating. Yikes! Therefore, today is a fresh start.


After WI:
Gross, I put on 1.5kg this week. That's a lot of eating. But I'm refocussed and not giving up. And I bought a tracking journal - back to points for me!

And, in the grossest unfairness ever, after WI I had a really upset stomache, went to the bathroom and seriously must have lost like 2kg. And my first thought was "why couldn't this have happened an hour ago??" lol, hmm. Anyway, what's done is done and I'm on track for next week - bring it on!



Meg said...

Well done on recommitting and getting back on the wagon. I look forward to hearing of your weight losses in the upcoming weeks.

Jogirl said...

Hey there, sorry to hear of the gain, that truly does suck the big one! But, just get back on track. I have found if I track, which is hard, I do much better. You will lose next Kath says "i can feel it in my waters" keep smiling..jogirl
PS..thanks for adding me to your bloggers list..cheers.