Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stars Yesterday = Two (yay!)
Weight Change from Yesterday = -0.8
Weight Change from WI = -1.2
Exercise Today = walked 4km with Heath, and danced with Dave all night at the wedding
Water Today (8+) = at least 8
Food Today (Core + up to 3 of 15 pts) = Core + a wedding :S

B = Special K with Skim Milk and Banana, and skim chai (teabag style)
S = Watermelon, crackers, pesto dip
L = no lunch (I know, bad) - I was asleep!
S = Skim Hot Chocolate at Bar Italia (yum!)
D = Wedding Reception! 1 cocktail, 3 wines, entree of asparagus chicken pie/salmon salad, first main of mushroom risotta & baby clam fettuccine, second main of seafood and veal, first dessert of wedding cake with gelato, second dessert of fruit platter, italian coffee. (BUT I didn't eat all of any of the foods! and I drank water!)

Weight Update
Well it's going down! That's good! It's already 1.2 less than on Thursday. How quickly it's gone down makes me pretty sure it was retained water from all the salts I was eating, and bloatedness. As long as it keeps going down! I was a bit surprised because that's a big drop from yesterday, but I ate 3 good meals, 2 snacks, even the tim tam, so I'm just going to take it and be thankful :)

Yesterday in Review
Yesterday was really good, I did:
jog with D - tidy house - cook healthy lunch - watch some tv - tidy - meet parents & F&R for coffee - shop - cook - India dinner at our place - go to parents to pick up umbrella - take umbrella to Therese's - back to parents to collect forgotten phone - visit Heath - crash out and sleep.

I enjoyed doing some exercise, had a cheery day. We had an amazing dinner for the India trip, it was great catching up with everyone. And I was so good! I set it up as self-serve, so I could only serve myself a little bit, for dessert we had fresh watermelon, rockmelon, strawberries and ice-cream, and I skipped on the icecream, and because I was fixing up in the kitchen I mostly avoided the cheese plate before dinner!

Oh, and I especially went out and bought 3 limes (even though they're hideously expensive, and we're used to getting them for free from D's parents) - so we could have a bit jug with iced water and limes, and I drank lots of water. I didn't even have any wine or soft drinks. Yay!! I did, sadly, cave and have a tim tam, then a bit of brie with D after everyone left, we'd gone to Therese's with the umbrellas, then Heath's to get a camera (where I fell asleep, lol, it was so late, but the boys wanted to play some new playstation game Heath had), but I've counted the points and I'm on track.

It's amazing, just turning down icecream (at 4.5 points/scoop) makes a big difference to the points I'd have eaten otherwise!

Oh! And my other little accomplishment - my mum rang me in the afternoon, saying she was at the doctors with my sister & brother in law, and now they were finished so did I want to come for coffee. So I was like, doctors? Ohmygoodnessshemustbepregnant! So off I went very excited and got more excited as I saw both my mum and dad were there, as well as F&R. Lol, so I was a bit disappointed when I found out F had just had her cervical cancer vaccine injection (which you should definitely get if you're eligible and in Australia - our government is giving it to us) and mum had just had a check up. Sigh... so no aunty news just yet (but at least it wasn't bad news either). They'd just thought it'd be nice to catch up. Which it really was.

We went to Cafe Envy in Summer Hill - if you're an inner westie definitely I recommend it, their food and coffee is amazing! And even though they had iced coffees and chais and all sorts of amazing foods, I ordered a tea with skim milk and really liked it (and it's core! yay!). Love it.

Challenges Today
Today my good friend Therese gets married! I'm so excited for her! I saw her late last night and she looked so excited! I wish I could have stayed and chatted all night with her but she was with her family so I just dropped off the umbrellas (we have big white golf umbrellas from our wedding, and Sydney is raining, but today is actually sunny!) gave her a big hug and still have goosebumps looking forward to the wedding!

But weddings do mean foodie challenges. Most notably drinking, reception meal (especially as she's going to an amazing Leichardt Italian place!) and the pre-wedding-catch-up-lunch with school friends! But, thinking about it, I'm quite happy drinking just water - I had wine at C's wedding 2 weeks ago which was delicious, so I might try this reception on water (lol I give the pregnancy questions 5 minutes if I stick to water! But we'll see), and I'm going to try and stick to the food that's 'most' core, and NOT eat everything on my plate - even if I only leave a little bit, I'm trying to cultivate a habit of leaving some so I can be comfortable stopping when I'm full.

So, How Much Have You Lost on WW?
This is the question my dad asked me late last night when we dropped in after dinner to pick up their spare big white umbrella to take to Therese's.

It made it hit home that I've been doing this for 10 weeks and weigh the same (geeeeze....) - so I just said that I'd lost some and put some back on and lost some etc, but the final result was confidential. At least he said I was looking slimmer and he'd like to come along with me. Which I was very surprised at! I know I'm a tiny bit more toned, just from doing some exercise, but not anything too noticeable, but he said he was impressed I'd stuck at it and he'd like to come. So that would actually be pretty good, to have that accountability with my dad, we'll see :D

To Taekwondo or Not To Taekwondo?
D does lots of TKD - in fact he's usually there 2-3 times per week, and he teaches (he used to officially compete at very high levels) and he's very good (4 grades above a black belt). Today he invited me to come along and train with him. Sometimes I go, but I usually study in the office while he trains - I've trained once but it's so hard!! I turned him down today, but now I 'm thinking about it. Maybe I should pick it up? I'm trying to decide if I should pick it up while unfit and struggle through, or get fit first then pick it up (because everyone knows me through him and it could be very embarrassing). Thoughts?

Finally, Shopping is Expensive!
In other news, I was blown away by the price of shopping yesterday, and I went to FRANKLINS! Albeit Summer Hill Franklins, which is a trendy area, and I shopped for a dinner for me & 7 men (and even after they had seconds and some thirds, they'd only got through less than half) but it cost me over $100. I was blown away.

I wanted to have a nice dinner so I just did want lots of my yuppie friends do (lol), I got some brie, some fruit cheese, 2 types of crackers, and I bought some nice vegies (like snow peas and capsicum, nothing outrageous), some watermelon and rockmelon, chicken (which was a killer), ice cream, feta, spinach leaves, baby corn, pine nuts etc (for a pumpkin salad), and some packet mix for mint slice cake which I didn't make up, oh, and about 4 packs of thai noodles, and none of it was more than $5, but gee it added up quickly. It was a nice dinner, but (and I know I'm not yuppie but) I'd have been as happy with pasta and a green salad, no cheeses etc... I think our next guests are getting bolognaise!

Long Posts
My posts are getting really long... sorry... I'll try and do some shorter ones that might then get read :)



Elisha said...

Hey Kathryn! Please dont worry about long posts, its good saturday reading for me!

Its really cool that your dad wants to join you with ww - maybe the changes he is seeing in your is more inspiration than you realise - I dont think it matters too much that you havent lost weight persay - because your learning how to fuel your body, you know what works and doesnt, your exercising more and like you said, toning, which will change your body shape - all good things... the weight will take care of itself - just stick with it - i think your doing great!


Jogirl said...

Man girl, you can do you remember all that make my head spin..I have no idea what i did 5 mins ago! LOL
You are a weight loss legend.
I am soo proud of you..keep going can and are doing it..
you are awesome!
Hey and also thanks for the love on my blog! It really lifts my spirits!