Saturday, April 5, 2008

Wedding Day (H: 86.1)

Today is my friend's wedding day!! I'm so excited for her - I'm saying a prayer at the wedding so I've been up since early to work out what to say and to write it down - it makes me so excited about their new life together, and I reflect on me & D's marriage too. Marriage is such a special gift, when you marry the right person.

Anyway, D's agreed to come for a run today, so we're going now - better go! Will let you know how I go today... don't think it will be easy - there's the wedding, with an afternoon tea and a reception (and it starts at 12 so we'll probably be pretty hungry when it starts!) then the girls from schools (and their bfs, husbands, etc) are coming over to our unit (which is still a mess, hit by the thesis-bomb!) for lunch!! So just hope there's not lots of left overs (and at least we can make something light), then off to the reception for dinner!! I'm heaps excited though, I think it'll be a really fun day.

Well we went for the run. It was awful. I couldn't make it through each run session. I guess that's what you get for not exercising for 2 weeks! At least we went out, and we kept moving for the whole time, and I ran as much of it as I could, then walked, then ran again - I even ran during the cool down time to try and make up for all my non-running in the running times. So frustrating I haven't kept up. I'll have to try some more until I conquer the week 3 of c25k!!!

Catch ya!


1 comment:

♥Kiwi♥ said...

Hey there!

Hope you had a lovely day today at the wedding - I am sure your prayer went great :)

You will get your fitness back in no time :)

Ems :)