Thursday, May 1, 2008


I haven't blogged in a while. I wrote a post all about how I felt, but I haven't published it - I think it might be a bit too raw. But it was good to write.

I've been working and studying in the last little while - it's now 1 May and the thesis is due on 23rd!! I've also been working and seeing lots of friends, which is nice.

I pulled out of ww, I just wasn't sticking at it and I need to wait until I have the headspace to. Not that I'm going to stop watching what I eat and do - I just know I'm not following the program and I don't want to pay knowing I'm not committed to it. I know that's slack, but it's where I am right now. And we're going to India in July so money's kind of tight.

Anyway, I'll keep coming back and posting, after I get through the thesis!


1 comment:

TitanThirteen said...

I lost 30 kilos at WW a few years back. I felt, thinking that i knew everything there was to teach, so i could just do it by myself and save the $17:95 p/w.
But noooooo..i gained it all back, and then some! I needed the accountability.
So i found a little slimmers club, run by the hospital and i've been with it ever since :o)