I just got back in from my c25k w2d1 run walk as per my promise to Elisha, and it was harder than expected. But oh so good. And I ran so much futher than last time I did week 2, remember how last time I was finishing my cool down walk through the golf course when Short Round Retired Man told me I could keep going, so I ran to the bridge? This time I ran to the bridge before getting to the cool down phase of the run. I ran! I soared! I had fantastic form! I have incredibly sore legs!
I did stop a few times in the last 3 runs as The Pain came back up - because I still don't know what it is (more on last night's hospital visit in a sec) I didn't want to push to hard and rupture anything, unlikely though that may be.
But, back to the short shorts.
I swear, I have reverse body dysmorphic disorder - I have these days where I think I look just amazing. Now, don't get me wrong - I don't think I'm ridiculously hideous or that I can't look beautiful. I'm yet to meet a girl who doesn't look beautiful when she takes care of herself, let alone any girl who looks terribly ugly. But sometimes I wake up feeling super-glamorous. Like this morning. I was blown away by my ridiculously long legs, felt really in proportion - I felt like a size 8. Now, I do have very long legs (I'm 5'8, all of me is pretty long. When I'm thin I'm quite lanky), and I'm fairly well proportioned. But size 8?? I'm double that size. My BMI is overweight. I'm 86.9kg this morning! But I wasn't bloated - after all I haven't eaten that much the last few days thanks to The Pain.
So, I think to myself, I say, why not wear short running shorts?
I bought these little shorts when I got married. At the same time the Myers near my house closed down and everything became ridiculously cheap (the peach dress in the photo 2 posts earlier? $12.50). They're short, with pink stripes down the side and mini reflector panels for night running (ha! I actually thought I'd be a night runner!) and a teeny pocket for your key. They're quite cute. But they're short.
It started out ok, off I went on my walk, in my short shorts, semi-aware that my thighs touched just below where the shorts come to. And then I start running. And the shorts get shorter, and shorter, and shorter. My big white thighs were pulling my shorts up!
So I'm in this funny half-run-half-gait-style, shorts bunching, hands furiously pulling the shorts down, big white inner thighs flapping in the wind. Not the look I was originally going for! I must have amused everyone I ran past with my ridiculous run-pull-yank-run-flap-kick-to-the-side-pull-run routine. I certainly got some funny looks!
But I made it, and I felt good for it. And I have been reinspired to Lose Enough Weight That My Thighs Don't Touch.
A long legged shorts photo from Summer (07/08)
In other news, last night once D got home and had something to eat, we decided to go find a medical centre. We dropped by my parents to get my medicare card, but it was after 10pm and everywhere was closed. Of course, dropping by my parents meant they had a chance to get more concerned and convinced D to take me to the local hospital because it's probably appendicitis and my appendix could burst any second! Although not before my dad had the chance to ask if this was referred pain from not wanting to do my thesis! So, off we go, me saying "this is dumb, I should go to a dr tomorrow, it's not an emergency, we're just going to spend the night in a waiting room" etc etc.
Plus, because I'm in my mum's trakkies and D's hoodie with my flip flops and hair tied up loosely I figure they'll just think I'm a bum. (I'm in my mum's trakkies cause when we went to get the medicare card she declared my trakkies were too ratty to wear out and I had to change! oh she's cute)
Anyway, we get there. I sign some form saying I've read some Election Choice pamphlet and had it explained to me (which I never saw - this is a real sign I'm sick. Signing something I disagree with, the lawyer in me balked, but I just wanted it over with) and having rolled eyes from the clerk lady, who then refused to believe D and I were married as my medicare card is still in my maiden name and has my dad as the emergency contact. So what, our wedding rings are for some grand charade we decided to play on her in the emergency ward? Seriously. So she's to D "how do you know her?" and D's like "she's my wife" and she's like "no, really, how do you know her" ... grrr - so sure we're young, but I don't think he'd have had the same reaction with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Then we go to triage. And this is where I knew I'd feel like an inconvenience, and I do.
Nurse (N): what's wrong?
Me (M): I have a pain, here, on the left side of my abs
N: can you describe it to me?
M: it's sharp and shooting, it comes and goes. when it comes I sometimes have to crouch down, and I get very nauseous and dizzy. it's like a cramp, but sharper. when it's not as bad, like now, it's still sore and really hurts to touch but it's not as bad.
N: how long have you had this pain?
M: a few days, since the weekend?
N: when on the weekend?
M: well, I felt unwell Thursday, and it started coming on Friday. By Saturday it was really bad.
N: did you go to the hospital then?
M: No
N: (rolls eyes) a chemist?
M: No
N: (rolls eyes) GP?
M: No, my husband's been out all day and night and I didn't want to drive dizzy (plus I dont like the doctor and never want to go, but I didn't say this bit)
N: so, a week later you're in emergency (rolls eyes). What pain killers are you taking?
M: none
N: (rolls eyes) so it's not actually hurting?
M: it's hurting, I just don't take pain killers, I sleep (I don't take them ever, even after the car accident when the vertebrae in my neck were dislocated I didn't take them. Pain makes me fall asleep and pain killers never seem to make a difference, and I'm too scared I'll take too many after one experience years ago taking way too many tablets because I couldn't feel the one before working)
N: I see (rolls eyes). Are you pregnant?
M: (mind flashes back to recent post - omg, I'm pregnant! I knew I should have peed on a stick!) no, I don't think so
N: you're not or you don't think so?
M: I don't think so
N: Do. You. Have. Sex.
M: yes...
N: (rolls eyes) so - maybe.
M: ok, maybe (getting frustrated now)
N: mutters under her breath, something that sounds suspiciously like 'dumbass'
N: sit on the green chairs, a doctor will see you eventually. it's busy.
M: (looks at the waiting room. completely empty except for me. No doubt it's busy inside but can't someone just come and tell me I can go home and see my GP tomorrow?)
Several hours later, after sleeping on terrible plastic green chairs not being seen, we just leave.
Now, I know that nurses do a fabulous job, and I've been to emergency when it was an emergency (like after the car accident), and I know that I am fine and would have been fine just seeing a GP. But the eye rolling! And it DID hurt - it DOES hurt - it's hurt so much I've vomited and been crouched on the floor, damnit. And last time I had this pain in this place the doctor thought it was an ectopic pregnancy (it wasn't, thank God) but thats not something you play around with.
I know she was probably working a ridiculously long shift on ridiculously low pay and had better things to do with her time. But still, I felt terrible, and sore, and I didn't want to be there either. So that was my unpleasant night.
Sorry to grumble so much - I just really think she could have just said "look, I don't think anything's going to happen tonight - go home, see your GP tomorrow." That's not so hard is it?
Anyway, after all that I feel much better today. Still sore, but no crazy nausea except when I just woke up.
But I'm a bit nervous, doing some back-counting maths. Should I pee on a stick? I mean, crazy pain isn't usually a sign of pregnancy is it?
Hey chickadee - I just laughed so much reading your description of running in your short shorts!! So funny, ya poor thing!! Im not even game enough to own a pair of short shorts let alone wear them, so i take my hat off to you! You DO have good legs ( photo ) So, im sure it wont be long and you can run without the dramatics in SHORT SHORTS!! Im soooo glad you did the run today, i was on run number 6 and was thinkin " That girl better be dying somewhere too" LOL... But your right, i did and still do feel great ( a little sleepy though) - On the next topic... I took my mother to emergency on the sunny coast in March, she has athritis in her neck, very painful - she was in agony, and they did JACK, she ended up going home like you did, bearing through and seeing her Gp the next day - I love nurses, and in my own experience have always been lucky, but after mum, i was really upset... so - i can understand your words on that one! I dont recall crazy pain being one of my pregnancy things, but pee on a stick just cause you can - ya just never know OoOoOoOo EVERYONE is different - anyways! Till later. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow, you can write, I love reading your blogs...haaaaaaaaaaaa I nearly we my pj pants reading the short shorts story....I soooooo hear you on that one! Now...go get your self a test and pee girl....want to hear the results tomorrow???????????? xo Jogirl
Thanks for the comment on my blog. It's good to know that someone else sees my positive attitude and it's not just in my head!
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