Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So Far So Good

Hi! I just got home from my jog/run/c25k w1d2 - another half an hour out with 60 second runs alternated with 90 second walks. It was quite easy - although I started with singlet, t-shirt and hoody, and ended up with the hoody around my waist. Which involved half running, half walking, while combating D's oversized hoodie to pull out my arms and then wrap it messily around my waist, trying to look semi-chic. Hehe, I didn't get the chic bit, but it did end up around my waist :)

There's one part of the track I run where I'm running next to the river, with some really nice houses on my right side, river on the left, and beautiful big trees giving shade as I go. It's only a small part (after all this is Inner City Sydney!) but those few minutes are really nice to run through.

My other favourite part of today's track was when I was running back through part of the end of the run, and slowed to the last 5 minutes walk, I go through a golf course. And one of the guys, a short happy looking man, was like "keep running! you can keep going!" in a very encouraging way. So I ran up over a bridge and back into the park, for some of my cool down time. Granted, as soon as I was out of his sight I pretty much walked again, but I felt like he had faith in me! You've got to find encouragement where it comes :)

Then walking home from where I finished (as I can't do 5k in 30 minutes yet!) I listenned to the first few songs from Colbie Collait's album Coco - very nice walking music (not enough angst to run to, actually no angst at all, but it's good to cool down walk to).

I'm quite pleased with the run/walk and I'm looking forward to the third one.


On the food side, well, I haven't been hungry since I've had this Pain (which is a bit better today) but I've been trying to eat. Yesterday I managed breakfast, no lunch, then ordered in thai for dinner for me and D - I ate some which is good. Today I've managed 2 glasses of OJ (one before running, one after), and I picked at some of the prawn crackers left over from yesterday, thankfully there weren't that many left! And I've got a big bottle of cold water sitting here with me, staring me down, so I'll drink that, in fact I might have a glass now!

Meanwhile, I don't think it's good to stay at home as much as I have been. Especially in our little 1 bedroom unit that's 7 big steps wide and 11 big steps long (ish) - total. Yikes! This morning I didn't even want to get out of bed and face the day at home - I'm home from work still feeling dizzy and sore - but I love D, he just came and ate his special K in bed while I lay there whinging about the day ahead, and he stroked my head. On a tangent, this is the one thing I love about being sick - when I was little and I was sick my mum used to cuddle me and stroke my hot head with her cool hand. The first time I was sick when we were married I was like a little kid again "is my head hot? is it hot? feel it, I know it's hot" and D was all "I don't need to feel it - I can see you're sick!" so I had to take him back down memory lane with me, and now when I'm sick he'll give me a cuddle and feel my hot head with his cool hand.

Anyway, today I'm determined to get out of this unit! Operation Part One: Drive Dave to Station was a success. Operation Part Two: Do c25k run was another success! Operation Part Three: Drive to Domayne and Collect Prize* is about to be started. Ideally without me falling asleep again. I don't know if anyone else gets this, but when I get sick, all I want to do is sleep. But enough is enough - I'm reclaiming my days.


*I won a prize! I never win prizes! From a magazine too (check out SW Magazine via google) - and it comes with a hair curler ceramic thing too!


Briar said...

You're a great little journaller-
even when you're not well-
I hope you feel better soon!

Elisha said...

Hey Hey sweet girl, good to see you back and back in style, out running today- what a super star!! It wont take you long to zap them couple kilos back where they came from - Im really proud of you!! - I had a little giggle reading about the man who encouraged you - hehe kinda sweet really! Im still concerned about this " Pain" though, go get it checked it!!!!
Keep us updated too - We may have never met but i worry about you =)

Keep smiling, and stay focused your doing amazingly!!!