The Bride And Groom :D

Between the service and reception lots of my school friends (and the boys we're now attached to!) came back to my place to spend the time, which was wonderful. Some people had a nap, we drank lots of water with lime (after a glorious afternoon tea/lunch in the church hall we were very full - even too full for champagne!) listened to some Explosions in the Sky and other cruisy music and just caught up on life. It's amazing to think we graduated almost 6 years ago but we're still so close and can giggle and laugh and d&m and chat our way easily through an afternoon, and giggle lots more! It was good for D too - he and Alan (Alex's hubby) had a coffee on our balcony to catch up, and later he took Phil (Pun's bf) out with him to buy some turkish bread, hommus and chunky basil pesto dip for a snack, which meant he got to build more on friendships with the boys - it's good that the boys make an effort with each other - some even play on indoor soccer teams together - it makes it nice when all the girls catch up with partners - and means they can chat together while we giggle our way through an afternoon!
Caught with my hands in my pockets..

School Girls (minus the bride!)... half the photos been cut off but I don't know how to fix it!

The reception was beautiful - it was at Mosman Art Gallery, which is like an old restored church, and the food was amazing. Good for ww too! They had several types of salads (a roast pumpkin/walnut based salad, a chickpea/herbs based salad, a green salad, etc) on the table with lamb, potatos, breads, quiche, etc so you could serve yourself what you wanted to eat - like each table was a mini-buffet. So I had a little bit of everything, more of the salad, and that was good. Also for some reason when dessert time came D didn't have a dessert plate in front of him, but that worked out because we shared my mini-mud cake. That said, it wasn't that healthy a day, because there was lots of champagne, a lovely red wine, some soft drinks to counter the champagne and red wine... not to mention the champagne and food at afternoon tea, or the 2 wedding cakes!
All in all, a lovely day. And we danced a little :D
Then this morning, instead of the (intended) extra sleep in, both D and I were awake early-ish, so we ended up spending the morning in our dressing gowns catching up over a yummy breakfast. We had a 'recovery breakfast' of ham, cheese, tomato on turkish bread melted in the grill- mine had some pesto and hommus on it too. Yum. Oh, and warm tea, love a morning cup of tea. Then we headed down to church for the last day of the Moore College mission - which of course meant more food (it's the churchy way). We had our 2 morning teas (one halfway through church, one at the end) but I just had one amazingly yum biscuit creation, which was like a soft anzac type biscuit moulded into a little cup, with caramel cream in the middle -wow! And then after second morning tea we had a sausage sizzle lunch!
It's a lot of food, but it does mean a good chance to catch up and talk to everyone, and because there's not that many of us in total it's good to get to know the other people. Plus, a morning tea just before the talk is a good way to stretch and refuel to help pay attention!
On the way home I did the scungy 'morning after' thing and drove through maccas, but at least I was fairly controlled - a mega-sized diet coke, and a mcflurry. The mcflurry's probably almost 10 points, but I avoided the chips, burgers, nuggets that usually call to me when I'm near maccas! Hopefully I'll soon be cutting down to just the DC.
Not much else to blog about - today I'm planning to write the rest of my thesis, maybe go for a walk with D this evening (not another run after yesterday, not yet anyway, maybe after the champagne wears off!). I have the WW points tracker journal, which I'd forgotten about last week, so I'm starting that tomorrow morning - so I can track there and on this blog. I'm staying relaxed this weekend and not tracking, especially after Friday's binge. I know if I'm just a bit easier on myself now I can be back on track tomorrow - that one mcflurry is better than not getting it then going a bit crazy with eating when I got home!
Ok, end of a long post, cya later!
Today I ate:
Breakfast - Turkish bread with pesto and hommus, ham, low-fat cheese and tomato, grilled + a cup of tea
Snack - Amazing biscuit-caramel-thingo + 3 cubes of cheese + 2 teas (one at each morning tea) + 3 waters
Lunch - Sausage with tomato sauce on 1 piece of bread + Huge Diet Coke + McFlurry
Dinner - The best meal I think I've cooked so far! Fish, pumpkin, potato and coconut korma with brocolli and peanuts cooked in, on a bed of vermicelli. Wow! It was really yum, and full of vegies, had fish, and tasted great. In fact, after I ate this amazing meal, I was so satisfied and content I didn't even desire icecream when D got some for him.
Ooh! And lots and lots of water. We're having fun with water at the moment - tonight we had it in a big jug with ice and lime, and each had a very large red wine glass with lots of ice and lime slivers, and a big piece of lime on the rim of the glass, like a water cocktail! Hehe, yum.
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