It's raining today, I love the rain. But I must confess, I love the rain more when I'm inside under a doona watching a romantic comedy than when I'm going to have to run for a train! Still though, I like the rain.
Well, I'm another 100g up from yesterday, but I track SO much water last night, not to mention a huge amount of DC so I'm hoping there's some water loading there that will flush out by Thursday's WI. We also had a curry for dinner, that's going to stick in my belly for a little while maybe. Anyway, it's a new day! And last night was so lovely - we watched a romantic comedy on dvd (where Catherine Zeta-Jones is a waitress who looks after her orphaned niece and falls in love with her co-chef). We originally got a crappy version - it was scratched and jumped through the whole second half of the movie, so after trying skipping chapters, restarted, etc etc we just walked back down to civic and asked for a replacement and a second new release, which they let us have! So we actually ended up with 2 dvds for the price of one, which was very nice. So we watched the end of the first movie last night, and have one to watch tonight :D
We also went for a bit of a walk - we shop on the weekends and were out of bread, fruits, vegies, so we decided to go for a walk to our local shops and buy them there, which was nice to get out together. And with the extra hour sleep last night (seeing as we went to bed early because it felt like 11 when it was only 10!) I feel very refreshed now :D
In other news, yesterday I was looking through our iphoto to see if there were any photos I should put up as inspiration, and it was so disheartening - ALL of them would be good motivational photos - that's pretty bad. In fact, the few I do have on this blog are probably some of the slimmest of me! I wanted to do a post just putting them all up, as a reminder of how serious my weight issue is, but I got too embarrassed. Maybe I will later, but I just couldn't face it yesterday. Especially photos of me with friends, looking way out of proportion. It was gross. Even the photos where I got down to 70s and thought I looked really thin, I still look 15-20kg overweight (which I was, to be fair). Maybe that post will come, but it was a very impacting moment.
Today I start using my "My Journal" from ww, I'm excited. My goal is to use it EVERY DAY until end of April. Yesterday I drew up two sheets of paper - one with a map of April, and one with a chart of my weight every day until the end of April. I know, I know, I shouldn't weigh everyday, but I already do, I already put it on this blog! Might as well see what that

I'll fill you in on my points a little later :D
8.50am - Sugarfree gum (0 > 0 points)
10.30am - Bread with Pesto Spread (1.5 > 1.5 points)
10.30am - Medium Banana (1.5 > 3 points)
11.10am - Big Glass of Water (0 > 3 points)
12.40pm - Tablespoon of Icecream (1 > 4 points)
1.00pm - Wholegrain Sandwich with Ham, Salad, Hommus and Pesto (5 > 9 points)
3.15pm - Chocolate Gelato (about 2.5 scoops, maybe a bit less) (6 > 15 points)
6.45pm - Fish and vegie Korma (4.5 > 19.5 points)
on Vermicelli (1.5 > 21 points)
Water, lots of water (0 > 21 points)
8.45pm - Two Iced Vo Vos (2 > 23 points)
So close!! Those vo vos put me over - auuuggghhhh!!!
I tracked everything though, and now I know my minimum exercise for tomorrow has to be 2 points worth, I can do that.
I had a good day though, just catching up, and tonight was another India meeting, which was pretty good too. I feel pretty seedy though with this flu, I'm contemplating a sick day tomorrow but I know I won't, because that's not my style. I'll go, and I'll do a damn good job at whatever I'm given, then I'll come home and crash. That's more my style. For now, I'm wrecked. Goodnight and sweet dreams - and Happy Birthday JoGirl!! Just had a sneak at your blog, those happycakes look great!!
Hey ya KL.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I actually run a bit already. I used Cardio Coach (link on my blog) to do interval training which is basically what C25K is. But thanks for the suggestion!
Catch ya later.
Kat - Coach Sean is really motivating...I LOVE him. And while you can use the program on a piece of equipment, you can also do it when you're just walking or whatever. I LOVE it. I'm up to running the 3 minute level 3 challenge of Vol 1 at 7.5 kph for the whole 3 minutes.
I now warm up at 3.5 - 4 kph (as I said on my blog) whereas that used to be my level for 85% MHR!!!
So it does work! My fitness levels now are awesome.
Catch you soon.
Hey there, thanks for your lovely comments, I love reading the blogs as well, they just inspire me in so many ways.
Keep up the good work for ww!
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