Yes! I just jumped on the scales and am a little less - back to losing for this week. I WI on Thursdays so although I try to lose weight every day, I tend to actually drop on the scales post-weekend, and this is a good start. This is what I weighed last Thursday (at home) so I'd like to go under it for this Thursday's WI - aiming at 300g loss, delighted with more, will perservere through less or even a gain. Oooh, but I hope it's under!
Back to the office today, feeling a bit better after some sleep, ready to earn some dollars.

Anyway, I was talking to D this morning, and he was like 'you look and sound sick' and I was like 'I feel sick' and he was like 'how do you feel sick' and I was like 'I'm ok' then we were getting ready for work, then I started crying (go figure!) and he was like 'are you ok' and I was like 'my eyes hurt and my nose hurts and my head hurts and my skin is hot-cold-hot-cold-hot and my thesis is due in 6 weeks and I have 2 practice files and India is soon and I don't know how to plan your birthday celebration or what day to have it and I have sore bones and my head hurts and I don't have enough time to keep our house clean and I'm not a very good cook and my stomache hurts and I'm so fat and so overweight and so tired and I feel really overwhelmed *sob sob*' and he was like 'stay home sick' and I was like 'but I'm scheduled to work' and he was like 'but you're sick' so I was like 'ok'.
Well, it was a bit more stressed than that but that's the gist. So I'm rugged up and ready for a nap. Now I have permission to stay home and sleep, that's all I want to do - I don't even want to look at my thesis.
I did put on my trackies to go for a jog before my sleep (today is my jogging day) but have been firmly told not to go out in the cold and rain and not to exercise and just to rest. So I might go for a walk later, but for now, just resting sounds really good.
Ok, points (is this very boring, blogging this?)
7.15am - Toast with Vegemite (1 > 1 points)
7.15am - Glass of Skim Milk (1.5 > 2.5 points)
[9.30 - 3.30 = sleeping, 6 glorious hours]
4.31pm - Small (100g) Tub of plain Vanilla Yoghurt (1.5 > 4 points)
7.30pm - Wholemeal pasta (about 3 tbsp) (1.5 > 5.5 points)
7.30pm - Bolognaise, about 2 Tbsp (1 > 6.5 points)
7.35pm - Milk Smoothie (sml banana, skim milk, ice, vanilla essence) (2.5 > 9 points)
Well, it's not an ideal amount to eat - less than half what I'm meant to eat in a day, and I think the pasta and bolognaise estimates are a bit high, I had about 1/3 of a little rice bowl for dinner. But at least I managed the drink the smoothie, which has dairy and fruit, so that squeezed in some points, and nutrition. I'll feel better from that.
I'm so tired.
I like your stars idea - very cool, hoping you get one today!! I dont think its boring that you blog your points, its good to see what others eat and also get ideas for meals/snacks... so No not boring - I also weigh daily - its a hard habit to break - no scales where i am so will be a week before i can check on my weight - i think weighing daily keeps us more accountable. Good Luck!! Thanks for commenting on my blog =)
Aawww poor didums :o/ [[HUG]]
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