This weekend we had my brother J's 21st birthday, and what an event it was! 180 people 15 hours sleep! I

But, in all the busyness, I just tried to eat ok-ish, and didn't fit in any runs, and probably blew the eating. Not a binge or anything like that, just lots of food all

In other news - I did a week 3 c25k run today! And it wasn't too hard!! I didn't quite get through the second (and last) 3 minute run, but the first one I really focused on my form and I think I did pretty well. By the end of the official run, I was out of the park and over the bridge - which is pretty good I think! I'd like to get around the corner by the end of the week. Then I did my cool down, warm up and started again! I thought I'd really flake during the 3rd 3 minute run, (ie the first 3min run after restarting) but then I just made myself go until my cool down starting place. Yay! So I'm feeling a bit back on track which is good.

Although I realised, cause I did the Robert Ullruy podcast first, then went to the christian podcast for starting a new, and there's something that makes me run slower about a track that sings "my pillow is deep, the blankets warm and my bed is soft... i can think of a hundred million reasons not to get up today"!! Lol, when running after half an hour of already doing running it makes the idea of stopping for a nap very tempting! haha
This week is about getting back on track - it won't be easy, there's an ETC meeting tonight, Bible Study tomorrow, ETC Thurs - Mon and India dinner on Monday night!! But it'll just have to be ok - I'm really really ready to lose some serious numbers, and I know I'm getting a bit fitter, I can feel it in my clothes and I saw it last week with the cm's going down.
Speaking of which, I have a question - I don't know whether to add photos to this blog. So far I've tried to keep it pretty anonymous, no pictures, real names, addresses, etc. But then I find it so encouraging when I see other people's blogs with pictures, and see them actually getting smaller. Any bloggers reading this who want to let me know how you deal with this tension between internet safety and photo posting, I'd love to hear what you think.
To Do:
* get into c&e readings
* c&e week 3 done
* c&e week 4 done
* cl week 3 done
* cl readings to week 4 done
* read ethics book (done!)
* Library day on Thesis - Wed with LC
* Library day on Thesis - Thurs with JD
* Go to WI Tues 10am (done!)
hahaha.... i can relate to issues with "the cr*pper" while dieting!!!
It actually got so bad once that i tried Senokot.... BIG MISTAKE!!! i had diarrhoea for a week and couldn't go out anywhere... lol.
I guess just make sure your diet stays about the same everyday. Any sudden change in diet will make your gut go a bit haywire - you seem to be drinkign plenty of water and roughage, so that doesn't seem to be a the problem. I think that your body does tend to hang on to food for a bit longer when you are 'dieting' - especially if you are on a low carb/ high protein diet (though i'm guessing your not on that!)!
I guess just try and keep eating roughly the same types and amounts of things everyday, and your body should get used to it!
xox N
15 hours, oh my goodness! Did you feel super refreshed after you woke up?
Tha party sounds fun. My mum used fly spray instead of hair spray once lol
Ok, I gotta say, you made me lol. I wrote that song about the Lazy Man, and did the C25K podcast you're jamming to.
I *think* I put that song on the 'warm-up walk' but I never really thought about the fact that it would be so motivating. (Or rather, DE-motivating!)
Thanks for the grin!
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