So, I relaxed, I enjoyed, and now it's time to
get back on track!
So, what did I do? Well, I went away with the Christian group from my uni to hear some talks on ethics, which were awesome. Although I must say, we Christians have got the junk food thing bad... we had big breakfasts, desserts at lunch and dinner, morning and afternoon tea (biscuits, cakes,

you name it) and of course, discussion group time had lollies, m&ms, chips, chocolates - yikes! Haha, considering the number of hot cross buns and easter eggs, I think my little gain was not too bad! :D Just as long as that's all it is - a little gain and now back on track, like a train to a destination - choo choo!
What else can I say? D bought me a great little easter lindt bunny
(yum!) and I bought him an egg (which melted on the way up, lol, so he got an 'easter sculpture'). We went for a run together, and a swim one morning (I love swimming, so nice!). The talks were awesome and I learnt so much - esp about how to critically think about what is behind what ppl say about certain views. Loved it!
And Monday night was our first dinner to meet the people we're going to India with!! I can't wait!!
Other news - today I started back at work. And I found myself craving the hot chocolates, the coffees, the food court food, the chocolate treats - so tomorrow the plan is to go prepared with stacks of carrots!
D was sick today so he stayed home, but he was so nice, he did washing, grocery shopping AND cooked a roast for dinner! How lucky am I! .png)
Well, that's all for now - thank you for all the lovely comments! It was so nice to come back and see some comments on a post, I love reading other people's blogs and so far at least I feel so much more accountable knowing there are people reading :D
So, I'll leave you with a pic of me with some of the other great people from this weekend - I'm on the right in the black. There's a new photo on the RHS of me and D catching up on the study - my bum hardly fits on the chair!! A little reminder of how good it was to go away and learn, fellowship, and have fun, but also that I have some real weight to lose!

To Do:
* Take vegies and healthy food to work tomorrow
* Uni reading
* WI Thurs morning
* Finish unit one before meeting on Monday
* Confirm dinner with J&A Friday night
* Turn memos into thesis draft
* Library day for thesis
1 comment:
Hey there, I have just stumbled across your blog, and think it is great. Maybe we can inspire each other..Good luck with WI this week.
Cheers Jogirl
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