Wednesday, March 5, 2008

WI: my first gain (-0.7)

Well, weigh in (WI) was yesterday, and I put on 400g. But you know, 400g in the scheme of things is not un-recoverable. To be honest, I sneakily slipped off my shoes, and those little brown havianas are about 300g, so it was really 700g I put on, but I didn't want to face it. The only relief was that the person before me in the WI put on weight too - which sounds slack but the staff were saying it's common around week 4 to put on weight. They said they don't know why. But, looking over my past week, I have a few hunches.
  • I stopped exercising. Pretty much at all.
  • I skipped breakfast and then splurged through the day
  • I stopped drinking all my water, then ate when I was thirsty, or worse, drank softdrinks (overweight people just don't have the calories to waste on liquids)
  • I ate a lot, and didn't track it - I had ice-cream, cake, pastas, soft drinks, alcohol, hungry jacks, macdonalds (ha! it's amazing it was only 400g!)
  • When I did track, I went past 30-40 points (instead of the 20 I'm meant to stick to!!)
So, now I know what to change at least!!

It was really stressful last night and today, and I snapped at D this morning. Badly. I just felt out of control again, and I didn't want to end up giving in to being out of control, or over-controlling either. Not easy.

Today, so far I've been good. I'm still within my points and I think I've done OK - toast with vegimite, skim chai, poached egg and toast, lamb with pasta, lots of water, sprite zero, sugarfree gum. I mean, it's not the best, but I avoided the butter, the fried egg, the full cream milk, the normal soft drink, the takeaway. So, fingers crossed it keeps going to the end of today!! Then, start again tomorrow.

It doesn't matter how small a loss is, as long as it's a loss. So, I gotta keep losing.


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