Friday, March 7, 2008

Running Champ! :D

Ok, so I'm not quite as fit as the girl in this pic just yet, BUT I've completed my 3rd c25k run (!!!) AND I went a bit further, a bit faster and a bit better than the last time. Especially, I didn't have to stop, even though it was a bit of a killer by the end. Yay!

More good news - doing today's run makes today my 3rd straight day of doing planned exercise (omg is it really me?) and I actually enjoy it. I mean, its not super-intense, just the two runs and an hour's walk over 3 days, but I was quite looking forward to getting out each time. I'm nervous though, next c25k run is level 2!! Which means 90 second runs instead of 60 seconds, and shorter breaks in between - eek!

In other news, we had my dad's birthday celebration last night and I was good! We had roast meat with vegies and a potato/sweet potato/pumpkin dish - so I filled half my plate with point-free vegies (yum!) and 3 slices of meat, and then added just the smallest amount of the potato thing - like one tbsp. And I chose diet softdrinks and water, passed on all but the smallest bit of wine (like, I had 1/4 of a small glass) and I was so full. We had brie with crackers and dip before dinner, so I watched how many I had and tracked them, and for dessert I filled up on fruit (even choosing the fresh, not dried fruit) and passed on the baklava. I had the smallest taste of cake, which was enough and treated myself to one ferrero rocher. And the best bit? I was still totally full. In fact, I was quite bloated. But I was under my points for the day!! And I didn't even have to go into my exercise points! That's my little achievement, to have done a celebration and stayed on track, yay!

AND just one more achievement, I walked over 11,000 steps yesterday! That makes for one very happy pedometre.

So, I still have a long way to go to 58kg, and this is just the beginning, and it's only Thursday and WI isn't til Monday, but I feel ontrack and I tell you what, it feels better than feeling out of control. And hopefully, I'll get my 500g loss come Monday, that would be a very nice bonus.

Other things to do today:
* hang out the washing (done!)
* buy L a 21st present (done!)
* call Miss D about a catch up (done!)
* finish CL readings (done!)
* thesis bibliography (gotta start that huh)(done!)


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