Saturday, March 15, 2008

Up again??! (H:85.5)

The scales are higher today again. I don't get it - I'm eating the same (or a bit less cause I'm scared of the scales effect!) and doing my exercise. But the scales are higher??

I put a post on the WW board about it, asking why it goes up over the weekend, and if it does for anyone else, and everyone was like "cut out alcohol" but I don't really drink! I had one glass of wine yesterday! I think I'm eating healthy::

B - vegemite toast, sml bread, sml spinach, 1/3 piece bacon; skim chai; lots of water
S - fresh pear
L - banana/skim milk/vanilla essence/ice frappe
S - fresh carrot, water
D - chicken drumstick cooked in marinade (by me at home, no oil), brown rice, steam vegies; glass of white wine, water
S - 1 prawn; apple juice (1/4 cup apple juice + water)

I really think that's not so unhealthy, I don't understand!

Maybe I need to go to the bathroom more!!

In other news, D's parents and friend HG came over last night to help make vietnamese rice paper rolls for J's 21st tonight - we made about 200!!! It took us til well after midnight, but it was really fun. They're such lovely in-laws, D's mum even bought heaps of the ingredients and they cooked and sliced the pork at home for us. I love learning how to cook traditional vietnamese food, and I tell you what, D's mum is a great teacher!

I haven't gone for a run yet today. We woke up about 8am, and D's gone to TKD but I have a mountain of washing up after last night's extravaganza, and I feel like I don't really want to (aren't I a sook this morning...), cause it will be hard! I need to walk up to the chem's first, so maybe I can do that and then go running (then hit this washing up!)

I'm looking forward to J's party tonight - I can't believe there's 150ppl already rsvp'ed yes! My brother is a popular man. Although before that is K&J's engagement party over lunch. Big day!

To Do:
* finish speech and email to F & B (done!)
* washing up (done!)
* c25k run - week 3 run 1 (done! - took me til 17.3.08 but it's done!)
* take rolls, rice cooker, tupperware, sliced cucumber to m&ds (done! ~sorry I forgot the cucumber)
* engagement present for K&J (done!)

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